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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Frank Turner, Lucero, Social Distortion 11/08/10 (Asheville, NC) and 11/09/10 (Knoxville, TN)

I was so excited when I found out Social Distortion was going to be playing in Asheville, NC. The last time I had seen them was in 2004 in Atlanta, GA @ The Tabernacle with The Horror Pops and Tiger Army (amazing show by the way). So This year I had vowed that I would not miss them again, as I had to last year. Of course when I had the money to actually get the tickets they had SOLD OUT. Like I said I was NOT going to miss them again soooooo, I checked where they would be playing next and I ended up buying tickets for Knoxville, TN. I had not heard the other bands that they were playing with on this Tour. So as usual I went and checked them out. It was then when I found my new favorite band of the year FRANK TURNER.

Frank Turner ( http://www.frank-turner.com )was the opening band of the night. I had looked into them the minute the show came up, I must say that the songs blew me away. They have so much meaning and they relate to the way I feel about so many things. If you like a mix of country, punk, folk this band is for you. The members are: Frank Turner on Vocals and the band is Ben Lloyd (guitar), Tarrant Anderson (bass), Matt Nasir (keys) and Nigel Powell (drums).

I must say I have been a part of the music scene for some time and I will go out of my way to help out others if they need it. So I decided to contact Frank Turner and to my amazement he actually responded back to me. I don't know if it's all the crazy shit going on these days but some bands just get it. Frank Turner and the band are some stand out guys. I was actually able to get on Frank Turners guest list for the (SOLD OUT) Asheville show . Frank Turner again many thanks and I will buy you PBR any time.

So when I had arrived just as they went on, they where playing Poetry of the Dead. I was able to get towards the front as they where playing. As I looked around checking out the crowd, Everyone was bobbing there head along and really enjoyed them. I had over heard people say that they had never heard of them but thought they where great. Had I not known of them before I went to the show, I would have became a fan then. There stage presence is amazing. Constantly moving even during slower parts. The sound was so much better then a CD and in this day of technology some times that says A LOT about a band. Not to mention how much they get the crowd to interact with them. Calling up someone to play harmonica, or my favorite part is when they did the sing a long to Photosynthesis " I wont sit down and I wont shut up, But most of all I WILL NOT GROW UP!" Frank Turner and his band mates have to be some of the most awesome guys I have met. This band is even more amazing live. They appreciate there fans and work there own merch booth. I was able to talk to Frank and Ben for a little bit both nights and as crazy as things can get, I had asked if I could have the set list for the show in TN. (I am putting together a concert scrap book.) Wait it gets better, When I walked up to the merch table Ben pulled out the set list and handed it to me. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that a band as big as Frank Turner can be so amazing in so many ways. Fallowing the next night in Knoxville they performed just as good. They change up there set a little here and there but still have so much energy to give. It was yet another amazing show, I was so happy to have scene them two nights in a row. Again in TN a lot of people had mentioned how much they had liked them. With more amazing tours like that and I think they will be just as big in the states, I hope. With the fact of how big they are when I had spoke with them, they said they like the opportunity to interact with there fans. From my experience this is more then true. Next time they are in the states playing a show I will most definitely be there and I recommend you do the same.

Playing smack in the middle was Lucero ( www.luceromusic.com ). This band has been around since 1998. If you like southern rock/country this is more then the right band for you. He sings from his heart. This is what I would consider really country, southern rock compared to the poppy shit that seems to be mass produced these days. I listen to a lot of things and I am all for change and things growing but it's hard to find good ol'fashion music such as Lucero. I know that a lot of people said they where let down in Asheville but some people expect a show like KISS and don't appreciate the music for what it is. Lucero is a very talented band and write from the heart. Although I must say when they played Knoxville, TN so much closer to there home town Memphis, TN for them they where even more active with girls bouncing up and down up front desperately pining over the singer. As a band it's hard enough to do the same thing day in and day out but depending on the crowd that can make the difference as well. The musicians need something to feed off just as well. If your not in to it some times it can be hard for them to get into it. Just because you may have paid to see a different band it doesn't mean you can't show the other bands respect. Lucero is a very talented, and obviously doing something right to have been around as long as they have.

Headlining the show was obviously SOCIAL DISTORTION Official Website Now this band has been around forever. They started in 1978 and have always had a big fallowing in the punk/rockabilly scene. In my opinion Social Distortion never disappoints. Playing old classics such as "Mommy's Little Monster" and "Sick Boy" to few from the Mike Ness (www.mikeness.com) albums such as "Ball & Chain" We were also able to get a sneek peek of two new songs "Bakersfield" and "Still Alive" from there "New" CD Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes release date January 18, 2011. I can't wait to get my copy.

So it was now time for SOCIAL DISTORTION to go on. I was not sure what songs would be played and nor did I have any idea that they would play such a long set. Being such a fan made those two nights some of my best nights in 2010. As Social Distortion was playing Mike would stop and talk for a moment and at one point he called his son up to play with them. Come to find out Mike discussed how he had been to Asheville before to visit his son who now lives in Asheville. His son played guitar for one of the songs. I don't know much about his son but he must be in a band because he sure knew what he was doing up there. It was a night to remember for sure, but I must say the show in Knoxville was even more memorable. I had made my way up to the very front as I normally do but who would have thought all that would go down. First off I was able to be standing next to Mike Ness's good friend from Cali. that now lives in TN with his awesome wife. Great group of people and Mike did a shout out to him, now that's friendship. Not to mention the wild bunch behind us that just would not stop being a pain in the ass....but that is normal when you are right up front. Of course it's not often you get someone talking shit to well "Mike Ness". So half way through the set just like the night before Mike stopped to talk to the crowd again again only this time some ass hole decided to yell at Mike and run his mouth. Mike told him that he needed to calm down or he would do something about it. The guy just kept running his mouth and Mike had him escorted out, Thank goodness and we all clapped and cheered. Of course that's not exactly what happened....and that was not word for word by any means but I am not talking about drama just stating what had occurred during the show. I don't really know what the point of it all was. I would NEVER talk shit to Mike he is scary when he is mad. Of course he is AMAZING in my eyes and I would never have any reason to.

Anyways moving a long. If some of you don't know they now have a new drummer who used to be the drummer for the old school band Suicidal Tendencies. With the new drummer Social Distortion played just as good as they always do. Social Distortion is a band I will never miss when they come around and if the money allows I will see them more then once. That's what I normally do for bands I enjoy. Social Distortion seems to be holding on and pushing forward like never before. With there most recent television debut o n Jimmy Kimmel, I believe we will be seeing much more of them. This is wonderful news for fans like me. Social Distortion is one of my favorite bands of all time.....I was lucky enough to get there set list as well that night (see Set List's section) All and all it was such an amazing two nights....I can't wait to see them again.

Stephani Fajardo

All photos by Stupunka Design

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