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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

AP Tour-This is Hell, Polar Bear Club, Emarosa, Augaust Burns Red, Bring Me The Horizon

AP Tour-This is Hell, Polar Bear Club, Emarosa, August Burns Red, Bring Me The Horizon @ The Masquerade in Atlanta, GA 11/12/10 and Amoss Southend in Charlotte, NC 11/14/10.

I didn't see a reason why I should write two reviews for the same show even though of course they where at a different place and different time with of course different people it seemed as if it made more scenes to write it all in one.

Well we got in the car and drove the 3.5 hours to GA unfortunately we had arrived towards the end of the Polar Bear Clubs set. So we did not get to see This Is Hell and most of the Polar Bear Club. Emarosa was the third band to play then ABR and Headlining was BMTH. Now I have been to many AP Tours before and shows at The Masquerade but my goodness this place was packed. I really think they would have done even better had they held the show somewhere like the Tabernacle. I thought the floor was going to cave in. It felt like standing on a trampoline because as everyone bounced up and down whether you where jumping as well your body was still moving. Needless to say with that kind of movement the show was a SOLD OUT show!

On the 14th we drove another 2.5 hours up and back to Charlotte, NC Giving us a total of 12 hours drove over the weekend just to see these bands not only once but twice. Now the Venue in Charlotte Amos's Southend was a much better lay out. They have tons of room, not to mention an balcony that wraps all around the room so you can watch from above as well. All and all I must say, it was a good weekend. Of course the last few months have just been overwhelming with amazing shows.

Now it's time to talk about what we really care about "Music, Bands, Bitches and Hoes" ha kidding on the last two for now any ways. Arriving at the show in ATL late wasn't all bad, we where able to park first thing and getting inside was painless. As we went up stairs and walked through the doors The Polar Bear Club was playing. This place was so packed we didn't know what way to go. So we headed straight to the merch tables and checked out the AP table and well, Photo Wall for BMTH. I must say this new thing bands are doing for there shows is kinda AWESOME! taking pictures of fans off on the sides and pictures of the crowd as the bands play and then posting them on some Social Network for fans to have is worth the money you paid to get into the show. If they charged for these now that would be another story...

This Is Hell Official Website Was the band to open up the nights. Like I said before unfortunately the ATL show we missed them and that was a huge disappointment because I had NO idea how AMAZING this band was tell I scene them in Charlotte. They are very much like the classic NY hardcore or old school punk. Call it what you will, just know that they don't fuck around. I was right up front but getting squashed so I didn't get any pictures of them so sad. If you like bands like Madball and Minor Threat you will definitely appreciate "This Is Hell". Not only is the music good, but live they will blow you away. I can honestly say that for an opening band they get the show off to a wild start. Not to mention all the new fans they seem to make just by watching them live. Every time they play a show people post on twitter about how they can't believe they never heard of them before. If you don't know who they are you must check them out, even better you just need to see them live. All I can say is that I hope this is a turning point to bring back this type of music again. They had the crowd going crazy from the start and not once did it stop. I didn't get the chance to talk to any of them but via twitter they seem to be a group of some pretty awesome guys who appreciate there fans and understand the leg work you have to do to become an amazing band. I wish them all the luck and will be at any show they play at close to home. My gut tells me they will never disappoint.

The Polar Bear Club myspace.com/polarbearclub was up second, I didn't get to see enough of them in ATL either. This is one of the bands that I had heard of before the tour. They put on a energetic show. They played most of the songs I had wanted to hear. Always happy when that happens. The only thing was I thought it was kind of weird for them to be mixed in with the bands that played because they don't seem to really have the same fallowing as the others. Of course it didn't really much matter because they came out and put on a good performance. Either way I was just happy to have been able to see them. If you like bands like Rise Against or Story of the year this band would be a good fit for you.

For the third band smack dab in the middle was Emarosa myspace.com/emarosa I had never even heard of them tell I started to make plans to go to the AP Tour. Then I couldn't stop listening to them. As usual when you are going to see a band that you like but have yet to see live you don't know what to expect. Low and behold I was more then impressed. Jonny Craig has some freaking amazing vocal chords. I mean WOW I would put him up there with the likes of Steve Perry of Journey. It's almost orgasmic when a band is more amazing live then there CD hahah and I mean that for all good artists. The best part of 2010 was finding out about all these amazing bands and I can't believe I hadn't heard of them sooner. I will be going to see them again for sure. In both states they had such a big turn out. It was exciting for me to see how much people where into them as they where into the heavier bands. Makes me think that perhaps people may actually have become more open minded to different types of music. Then again maybe they are just finding out what talent is. What ever it may be, I am just happy to be a part of it. I may not fit in with the normal Emarosa fans but it doesn't matter I LOVE MUSIC!
August Burns Red www.augustburnsred.com was the fourth band to play and this band I have actually known about for a very long time. Way back in the day before they had been signed they had played some local shows with some friends of mine. It almost leaves me speechless to see how big they have become. I am so happy for them. I just hope that they don't do like many other bands do and destroy there music or become stuck up. It's funny how fast people can forget how they got where they are, a lot of hard work, talent but most importantly there FANS. By the end of both nights there was no question that most people where there for them or Bring Me The Horizon. I say it like that because oddly enough it seems as if everyone around us kept saying they hated one or the other. They where there for ABR or BMTH, I was just there for a good show. The sad part was that I couldn't watch ABR because of the strobe light effects they had going on booo. I had to stay way in the back at both shows because that shit fucks with my head. Oh, well I still got to listen to them.

Last up was BMTH. I must say Bring Me The Horizon www.bringmethehorizon.co.uk
put on a very painful show and I mean that in a good way. From the start to the finish four bands later the fans still had the strength do what was asked hahah. I have to say this is the first time I have seen a circle pit at a hardcore show but wow was it a big one. Then the wonderful "Wall of Death" this is when the sides split down the middle and run together hahah fun stuff. I must say going to these shows more and more it's interesting to see the different kids that are going and the new trends. I can say this because I am much older then most of Oli's obsessive chick fans. I say it like that because back in the day there was not that many girls into that kind of music. I am happy for the bands that the fan base seems to be expanding but at the same time it's a little disappointing in what it's turning into. I think that is another blog to be wrote later, moving on. BMTH really puts on a great show all around and they are very talented. My friend Sayrah is a big fan of BMTH and she is the main reason why I went to the show twice. She was or should I say IS always front and center for BMTH. She is the reason why I even started to listen to them and happy that I did. BMTH played a lot off of there 2008 cd Suicide Season closing the night with the song they are probably known best for " Chelsea Smile"

Some bruises later and hours of driving it was worth every minute of it. Going to the AP Tour twice in a row was definitely worth it and we had a blast.

Stephani Fajardo

All photos by Stupunka Design

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