Entry 1-
My life has been nothing but difficult from the start. I don't remember a lot of my child hood but what I do recall, was never anything spectacular. I was the socially awkward girl that just wanted attention. My parents separated when I was a young child, I can't ever remember them really being together. My life was a world of accidents and I was one of them. Growing up my mother didn't exactly let me spend time with my father. I can remember the cops being called because she wouldn't let me go with my father. She would make me say hateful things to him and then at some point the fighting stopped. My father couldn't take it any more and quit trying, moved around a lot and well I was with my mom and was lucky to see my dad. I let the reality of things blur the situation and I became mad at my father, I couldn't believe how he would just forget about me and let her win. As I grew up I came to the understanding of my fathers reality. We all have issues and we are all at different points in our lives, parents, kids, friends, and family. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices we do not want to in order to take care of ourselves.
I had very strong feelings about my family and they where not extremely positive. Looking back as an adult I am aware and more understanding but it still does not change the things that I went through. I know that my views of how I think my life was like are different from outsiders and others involved. You may agree or disagree but most of you that know me, I had it rough, of course most of us my age and older had it just as bad if not worst.
My entry's are not to upset anyone, just a good way to release my thoughts, feelings, ext. Perhaps someone else can learn from my mistakes, experiences or just be aware.
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