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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4/20/08 Tremont Punk Rock Show

So it's a little late for it but I just wanted to say how great the show was in Charlotte @ Tremont on the 12th of April. Wow, who would have thought that Punk Rock was making a come back or at least I hope it is. The first band was IED I had never scene them before but needless to say they were good. Although I couldn't really hear the vocals much. The scene in Charlotte is one of the best punk crowds we have come across as far as local bands go. I really hope that old school punk makes a comeback.
They say that music/fashion ext. repeat it's self and just kinda adapts it into a more modern trend or whatever. The best thing about punk rock though is that they just don't give a fuck. That is the real punk rockers. Anyways to get back to the show......It was amazing the fans reaction's. Dancing and screaming all night showing EACH band respect now that is what I am talking about. Scence most of the bands that night are from Charlotte or play a lot in Charlotte are going to have a good crowd if you are good and well there was over 150 people there. So I guess it means something right for a local line up. Thanks to all of you who did come out. The support means a lot. Anyways as always run on sentences and mind jumping haha but it's just my blog and I don't think anyone reads this anyways.......The sec. band was Urban Turban and I must say they turned it up a lot from the first time I had scene them. It was much better but I think I would like to see them go full hardcore but that's just me.
The third band was well of course my future hub's band No Honor Lost and wow an amazing performance and thanks so much for our good friends and music fam from lil ol'marion for going. That was awesome YOU ROCK you know who you are. As always Tyler and Andrew a great new bonus to the band and as always the guys Thomas and Josh and Landon going wild and even though it's not our home town we sure had that crowd into it just as much as the local bands. Thank you all for that. We look forward to playing there again.
The fourth band was a band that's been around for sometime now Rouge Nation. we actually played with them the night before and well the PA kinda screwed up all night...sorry bout that. All the people there knew them and knew all the words the only thing is I think Chris you need to raise that voice of yours or it's just the PA's or something because I couldn't hardly hear a thing. That didn't stop them from getting the crowd going thought.
Last but deff. not least was South Side Punx. I gotta say this band never plays bad. They put on a great show and for being the last band to play there was still tons of people there to rock out. Great job to all of the bands that night and we look forward to playing with you all again!!!!!!
Stephani Fajardo (Stupunka Design)

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/stupunka/blog#ixzz0wMKNI8mT

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