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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Friday, August 13, 2010

If I was to die today....

If I was to die today, How many people would it really affect?
How many people would feel pain?
How Long would it take them to forget, to forget my name?

If I was to die today, How many lives did I impact?
How many people did I influence?

All my dreams, all my goals.....where they ever accomplished?

If I was to die today, What music would be played to remember me?
What movies would be watched and remind you of me?
Would they make you laugh or cry?
Would you picture me there by your side?

If I was to die today, What would you never forget?
Was it something I said?
Was it something I did?
Would it be something completely different?

If I was to die today, What would be your last words?
What would you want me to know?
What do you wish you could have said?

I did not die today but, I will some day.
Live your life with no regrets.
Hold nothing back, and leave nothing unsaid.

Because today, just might be our last.

By Stupunka
Friday the 13th

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

4/20/08 Tremont Punk Rock Show

So it's a little late for it but I just wanted to say how great the show was in Charlotte @ Tremont on the 12th of April. Wow, who would have thought that Punk Rock was making a come back or at least I hope it is. The first band was IED I had never scene them before but needless to say they were good. Although I couldn't really hear the vocals much. The scene in Charlotte is one of the best punk crowds we have come across as far as local bands go. I really hope that old school punk makes a comeback.
They say that music/fashion ext. repeat it's self and just kinda adapts it into a more modern trend or whatever. The best thing about punk rock though is that they just don't give a fuck. That is the real punk rockers. Anyways to get back to the show......It was amazing the fans reaction's. Dancing and screaming all night showing EACH band respect now that is what I am talking about. Scence most of the bands that night are from Charlotte or play a lot in Charlotte are going to have a good crowd if you are good and well there was over 150 people there. So I guess it means something right for a local line up. Thanks to all of you who did come out. The support means a lot. Anyways as always run on sentences and mind jumping haha but it's just my blog and I don't think anyone reads this anyways.......The sec. band was Urban Turban and I must say they turned it up a lot from the first time I had scene them. It was much better but I think I would like to see them go full hardcore but that's just me.
The third band was well of course my future hub's band No Honor Lost and wow an amazing performance and thanks so much for our good friends and music fam from lil ol'marion for going. That was awesome YOU ROCK you know who you are. As always Tyler and Andrew a great new bonus to the band and as always the guys Thomas and Josh and Landon going wild and even though it's not our home town we sure had that crowd into it just as much as the local bands. Thank you all for that. We look forward to playing there again.
The fourth band was a band that's been around for sometime now Rouge Nation. we actually played with them the night before and well the PA kinda screwed up all night...sorry bout that. All the people there knew them and knew all the words the only thing is I think Chris you need to raise that voice of yours or it's just the PA's or something because I couldn't hardly hear a thing. That didn't stop them from getting the crowd going thought.
Last but deff. not least was South Side Punx. I gotta say this band never plays bad. They put on a great show and for being the last band to play there was still tons of people there to rock out. Great job to all of the bands that night and we look forward to playing with you all again!!!!!!
Stephani Fajardo (Stupunka Design)

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/stupunka/blog#ixzz0wMKNI8mT

Nov. 14, 2008 No Honor Lost

Okay, So the show was in Greenville at the Real Gypsy. It was a late start that night but it was worth the wait. First up was No Honor Lost. They had a new singer (Jason) who has now taken the place of Tyler. No Honor Lost just has not had the best of luck with singers but I believe they now have a new singer that music is as important to him as it is to them. I admit this show may not have been the best for them but Jason only had three practices under his belt before this show. So if you ask me it was better then most any one could have thought. I believe that once they put in some more practices this band is really going to surprise a lot of people. The music it's self is amazing and with the new vocals it will really make a difference for the best. Jason's voice is a lot stronger and diverse. I look forward to what route they will go when everything comes together. Musically it is very much like old school punk. They mix shouts up like the Misfits and the Adicts to heavy vocals and music such as Sick Of It All and Minor Threat. I just call them hard core punk. They are hard to classify because they mix so much of everything and make it sound great. They will be playing with Jimmies Chicken Shack in Asheville at a new venue called Nashwa November 18th. After that they will be working on some new stuff and breaking in the new singer. Can't wait.
Second up was a band that I had never scene before You Me and Us. This is a three piece band. They have wrote a song about Still Not Dead only I don't recall it really talking about us it just says still not dead but either way it deff.(Thanks Guys). I had the chance to talk to Patrick from the band, he was very friendly. He said they are influenced by many bands such as NOFX and I must say I can most deff. hear it in the music. Vocally I would have to say Patrick sounds like Lagwagon's singer. Of course a lot of the Fat Wreck Chords bands have a lot of similarity. In which some people don't like that because they say you hear one band and you have heard them all. I myself like a number of bands and really any kind of music is going to have it's similarity, some may just be more then another.
Fallowing You Me and Us was the Charlotte band The Not Likely's. I know these crazy boys very well and I couldn't tell you how many times I have seen them but that night just wasn't there night. Now if it was your first time seeing them you wouldn't notice a thing but unfortunately Bam was having troubles with his Amp and I believe not half way through the set something blew and well it just wasn't there night. Not because they played bad but because the instruments and what not just wasn't working well enough for them to hear up on stage. Either way I enjoy these boys. They are funny and talented. I can't wait for some new songs and look forward to seeing them again.
The Dead Boys, I mean the Fast Boys were next up. They are a five piece band and I don't know that it was the way the sound was set up or what but it just sounded very mushed together. The only one really getting into the music I felt was Cody one of the guitar players. I don't know what this band is about but, If I had to guess I would say they are MAJORLY influenced by the dead boys from the look to the attitude and music. Half way through the show I was told to "fuck off, stop taking pictures, just kidding" so I stopped. I don't know lame but it pissed me off. I don't know these guys and they may be a set of great guys but to call me out like that just made me mad. Oh, well that's music for you haha. Anyways they did a good job of covering the dead boys and if you do like the dead boys I recommend you to go see them some time. OH, I almost forgot about the girl on girl action during the time they played. We are talking lap dances and a little bit of kissing. I don't care for this but it gave the guys something to watch.
Last but deff. not least the DSS Crew. What a great group of guys, talk about support for local music. They are easy to approach and talk to. In my opinion if your in a band you have to have that. With out the three F's your nothing and that would be Friends, Family and FANS. These guys are so great, let me just tell you what they did. I had tons of Still Not Dead stickers and they passed everyone of them out. Thank you guys. What they sound like is a mix of a little old school punk with some ska undertones if that makes any scence. I enjoy watching these guys, you never know what your going to get. Speaking of a half naked bass player. Yes, He wore a You Me and Us shirt black socks and shoes. If you thought that was entertaining his wife went on stage helping out with a song and some dancing. Something about a bare white butt everyone just had to spank haha. These guys you deff. have to see some time and if you have seen them once go see them again.
All and all it was a pretty good turn out and I got to see some pretty damn good bands. The only thing that sucks for all of us is that punk isn't quite the in thing and the turn out's aren't always the greatest. The other thing that kinda stinks is that I am not sure that people know what to do when they go to these shows and they are stand offish. They don't really get into it. Some times this makes the bands mad or it make's them think they are no good. I just think that people don't know what to do. I guess as long as they don't leave when you are playing that's just as much as a good sign then any. Besides they did pay to go inside. Anyways that's all for me, support your local everything.
Stephani(Stupunka Design)