Who I am.

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Monday, June 7, 2010

No one is to blame

I hate that you don' t know what it's like to be in my head. It never stops. Something is always going on.......from singing a song, to the people I have lost. The situations I am in or the random thing that pop in my head. To the world around me or just my life in general. From day to day situations or the decisions I have made.
You want me to apologize for how I feel or for what I have done. There is always more then one. More then one person in a relationship. More then one person in a friendship. I have made my own mistakes. I have told you how I feel in so many ways. I did everything I could to try and make things work. I focused all my energy, my whole life to make sure you were happy. To make sure your life was how you wanted. To make sure every dream you ever dreamed was that much closer to coming true. My heart only belonged to you. I was so blind I didn't notice how much I was changing.
It is no one's fault but my own. I lost my self trying to be who I thought you wanted me to be. Nothing about me or about us was ever a lie. I just wanted to make everything right. Alone is how I always felt. I opened my heart up to you. I did everything I could to make things right. A person can only handle so much pain and heart ache. I have the biggest heart in the world and most the time I wear it on my sleeve.
There is nothing more you can do nor say to me that will make me change my mind. We all deserve to live a happy life. Life is to short for pain and sorrow, remember what was good and erase the bad. Learn from the mistakes that were made and live your life your own way. Do what you want and as you will. Today may be your last day, don't go out having regrets. We are all responsible for the choices we make.If you are not happy with your life, there is no one to blame but your self.

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