Who I am.

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My life, from my eyes 2

My Mother RIP and Me
Entry 2 -

Thinking back when I was younger I was so accidental. I must say I am extremely lucky to even look normal. Many of my accidents thankfully happened when I was young, so I guess with change and age is what made me so lucky. My timeline may not be correct but here it goes:

I was in a daycare and we where playing out side. If some of you remember they used to make the hard plastic rectangle type swings. I don't know if I was pushing the swing with an imaginary friend or just pushing it to push, but I pushed the swing as hard as I could. As it was coming back down someone called my name and I turned my head to the left. SMACK corner of the swing went right through my right cheek. Fortunately the  scar still shows inside of my mouth and not on the outside. (ER)

You would think that would have been my last swing set incident but your wrong lol. I was playing spider, for those that don't know what that is. You lay on your stomach on the swing such as oh, I don't know, superman. You use your hands and feet to crawl and push in the air. All was going great until the second swoop and my face planted, or should I say nose planted into the ground. Broken and scraped was the end result. (No trip to doctor) In fact I didn't know I broke it until about two years ago hahah.

Next up, You know those seat belt rules that didn't exist when we were growing up. Well I was standing up in a truck and breaks were slammed, and that's when my bottom teeth went through the bottom of my lip.(ER? I don't think so?)

Yes, there is more....So I was about five and I was running with a pack of toilet paper to the bathroom, I hit the carpet metal plate, tripped into the corner of the door frame and SPLIT my top lip in half. Apparently I was told that I went running with my hands covering my bloody mouth and when my mom moved away my hands she passed out. It was bad.

Now this one did not end to badly but some scraps and knots but it is probably the most hilarious. I can remember it like yesterday. I was riding in the car with my grandma Angela and decided to open the door, Yes, I opened the door  as she was driving. I guess I was maybe 7. I held on to the door handle flapping around like superwoman and she was so panicked she actually kept driving, not fast mind you but screaming at me and driving lol. I finally let go hit the ground and rolled to the curb. Man that was fun hahah....

I think given everything I did growing up, I kinda think I may have missed a calling to be a stunt person or something. Anyways that's what I got for now, as I remember things I will update this post.

My entry's are not to upset anyone, just a good way to release my thoughts, feelings, ext. Perhaps someone else can learn from my mistakes, experiences or just be aware.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Working on getting back to me....

     Life has really been so crazy for all of us these days. I have had major changes in my life and a lot of loss. I really want to focus on getting back on track, and putting my life in perspective. I am sure many of you know how that feels. We have a lot that will change, things will happen we don't understand or like. We will have loss, pain, suffering. So many things that will make you want to throw your hands up, yet for what....Why is it that so many people give up and take the wrong path? Is it because they are week? Is it because they have no one to help them or make them do otherwise?
     I don't know about you but I would like more for my life. That is why I am going to take baby steps. Working on my appearance for myself not others. Creating a better life by doing what is best for me, not in the selfish way....just in the way of making me happy. I am no longer going to let others bring me down, or make there problems become mine. It is time to believe in myself and make the people who didn't see before know that I am important. I am an amazing person and I am not going to let anything else get in my way of happiness. It's not about being in charge or looking out for only me....It's about putting myself on the top of my list and creating the life I want for me.
     Life has been hard for me but I have already accomplished a lot and with my strength, my accomplishments are endless. So my advice to you is think about where you are right now, what are you doing right and how can you improve it?