The tittle of this post is kind of funny to me. I am not talking about the wonderful TV show that just wrapped up. I must admit that I did post on Face Book " OMG......Lost...need I say more." the day the tv show ended. At that point I was talking about the tv show. I had friends that new what I was talking about but then I had some really good friends giving me encouraging words..... It made me think about how people can say things and how no matter what it is, can be interpreted in so many ways. Unless it is just a straight forward statement.
Anyways, I can definitely relate to being lost. I have been through a lot in my life, just as everyone else. I don't even know how it happened but the person that I became was not me at all. There are so many things I enjoy doing that make me happy. For some reason I let myself slowly slip away. I stopped watching movies constantly and going to concerts. I lost touch with some of my good friends. I started to focus more on my relationship and making that person happy that I stopped doing anything for myself. It was not this persons fault by any means it's just who I am. I tend to care far to much and put everyone first because I don't have enough confidence and don't believe enough in myself.
Then this year....I decided not to do the normal new years resolution (lose weight, make money ext.) I simply said to myself " This year is about me". I had been so unhappy with my life. The way things were going. The lack of belief in myself. So I started to really look at my life and what was making me so unhappy. I had to figure out what would make me happy, needless to say my life has made some drastic changes. Slowly but surely I am becoming the old me again, only new and improved. No longer am I lost but slowly finding out who I want and what I want out of my life. It's not worth living if you are unhappy, only you can do something about it.